Experienced Fresno-Clovis Assault Attorneys
Valley Criminal Defense Lawyers
Assault is defined as: a threat or attempt of force or battery on another that causes the victim to have a reasonable apprehension of imminent harm. In criminal law, assault is defined as an attempt to commit battery, requiring the specific intent to cause physical or bodily injury. If you are currently being investigated for or have been charged with the crime of assault in Fresno-Clovis, Ca it would be in your best interest to hire a qualified criminal defense attorney immediately. An assault charge is extremely serious and can result in the immediate loss of your freedom.
Assault is considered a violent crime under the three strikes law in California. Being accused of assault can result in either a misdemeanor charge or a felony charge. Either charge could result in jail time, fines, and restitution to the victim, counseling, parole and a mark on your criminal record for life. It can also result in the loss of rights to own a firearm, loss of employment, lifetime revocation of your driver’s license and a damaged reputation.
Violent Crimes Attorneys
At the Law Offices of Eric Escamilla, we are lawyers who have handled all types of assault cases with excellent results. We will investigate all aspects of the assault charges against you. We have the experience, knowledge and skills needed to provide you an excellent defense strategy for your criminal defense case. Our criminal defense attorneys are committed to standing up for your constitutional rights in a court of law and will help to obtain the freedom you deserve.
Need an experienced assault lawyer? Contact the law offices of Eric Escamilla today!